received an answer. And the answers are brilliant. I usually put my hand on my heart and ask out loud. Sometimes I even talk with the Creative Life Force, like I would a girlfriend over a glass of wine. Tell her about the situation and ask for guidance. Try it and see. Creative Processes that are like dates with your Higher Self, cultivating a bond and relationship between your Then there are head and heart that any businessperson would envy in a partner.
When you’re in the block of time for one way, you’ll envision having made the decision this way, you’ll see yourself as if that’s the choice you made. Go on about your business as if this is the choice you made and notice what you feel in your body, specifically in your heart and gut area. Then do the same thing as if you made a different choice. Imagine this is the way you decided to go and everything you can think of that would unfold as a result of having chosen this way. Notice what you feel in your body. Don’t judge yourself or control any of this. It’s an exercise whereby you’re including your Higher Self, who has a much broader perspective of all the elements in play regarding this decision, to give you guidance and feedback by way of your body. Why the body? Because every one of your 50 trillion cells is bursting with wisdom and intelligence, and we feel that in that heart/gut area. Our head alone can’t access all this wisdom. The choice that gives me the lightest feeling is the choice I go with. It’s always served me incredibly well. It only backfires if I try to talk myself nto going with the choice that made me feel tight or tense in my gut, then I usually have a mess to clean up.
The Universe is like having a team of high-level employees that you don’t have to pay. I ask the Universe to find me a good virtual assistant, send new clients, get my book published, help me learn a new skill…on and on it goes. All you have to do is place your order as if you were ordering lunch and wanted things a particular way. Be specific and don’t hold back, it’s astounding the support we have available from the friendly Unified Field or Quantum Universe. proven repeatedly to deliver my request in ways I could have never imagined. Always better. But we gotta ask. This Field has
Light or Tight Guidance
Most people in business operate with more head than heart because we’re operating inside a business model that has been mostly analytically driven for centuries. It hasn’t been easy to forge a new model, but it’s easier now than ever. Here’s one simple thing you can play with that I call Light or Tight. Think of something you need to make a decision about, not a decision with huge consequences, but something to practice on. Now choose an equal amount of time to devote to both sides of the coin…it could be 15min. each side, an hour, a half day etc. The idea is that you’ll devote the same amount of time to a choice as if you’ll be making it one way, and then the other amount of time as if you’re making the decision different way.
Enjoy playing in the playground we call business.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ms. Morse holds a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a degree in Art and the Creative Process, and is a Certified Intentional Creativity Teacher. For the past 30 years, she has been the Director of Holistic Health Services in San Diego, California, and the founder and director of the Sacred Health Academy, an online educational journey dedicated to reclaiming health and wholeness. She has authored two best-selling books: “The Art of Returning to Love: How to Show Fear and Stress the Exit and HEAL”, and “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: The Woman's Guide to Not Die before Your Time.” For more, m Page 23
Delegating to the Universe
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