Written By Sammy Vega Interview by michael garrison
Eric: OK. I just want to start off by saying it’s an honor to be part of this magazine. I know the people involved and their ethics and their credo are at the highest level and having been in business for 40 years that starts to become more and more valuable. Actually, it’s always valuable, but you just appreciate it more the further down the road you go, right? The people involved with the magazine are people that are all signed on to a moral credo. And while we are far, far from perfect, especially myself, there are boundaries that we’re just not going to
cross. We’re going to try our best to make money. We’re going to try our best to make new venture partners and do everything pedal to the metal. But, we’re not gonna cross the line that goes against what we’re here for and that’s a safety net because we’re all part of that line of belief. It’s just an advantage doing business when we know the person across the table has the same mindset. Everyone wants to make money, everyone wants to win, but we want to do it in a fair and professional manner. As we know, as you get older, that’s the only way to make a lot of money. Smooth, fair things make money. Interruptions, problems, and ego will stop that from being a success and we all have them. ...[when] my ego is pumped up, I can accomplish more and I take more chances...
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