1. Practice A LOT! Record yourself, and be fully prepared. Talk about one central idea and one target idea. 2. Be authentic! This will help you make a connection with your audience. 3. If you decide to enlist the help of a coach, pick one that matches your energy and personality. 4. Visuals are anything tangible that enhances your story, but they are not required. 5. Meet all deadlines. Turn in headshots, bios, visuals, and other materials when they are required, and do not wait until the last minute. 6. Don’t try to ‘sneak stuff in’ to sell your books or webinars. You are not trying to sell anything with your talk and you are not trying to prove that you are an expert. 7. Be careful not to make claims that raise red flags. [For example, if you are not a scientist or a medical professional, never make science- based or health claims.] 8. You know that you are ready if you cannot wait to give the talk! 8 Top Tips for a Successful TEDx Wilmington Talk from Dr. Dan Young For more information on TEDx Wilmington please contact Dan Young at DrDanYoung79@gmail.com
TEDxWilmington talk from Joy Vanichkul on Intelligent Beauty
TEDxWilmington talk from Dr. Lisa Yeung on How to Make Your Most Important Decisions
TEDxWilmington talk from Jules Weldon and Stacey Pierce - Give Up Your Stuff, Not Your Dreams
Debra Wallace is a journalist, editor, storyteller, and publicist with 20+ years of experience who uses her passion for writing to provide unique heart-driven content. Her areas of expertise are business, entertainment, special needs parenting, health/wellness, and our many laudable heroes. Reach Debra at LinkedIn Website, Facebook, or email her at debrawallace@verizon.net.
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