The Bellwether, July 1, 2023

The Power Within


The Wizard of Oz

Can we all pause for a moment and read that again?

We have always had the power within us. Can we please stop waiting for someone to save us?

Life gets crazy; I understand that all too well. We end up in situations we didn’t ask for, find ourselves in relationships that our younger selves would shake heads at, and work in careers that don’t serve us. We become tired and battered, and we believe the lies that have been sewn into our lives by our surroundings, by the voices we make space for, and yes, by the lies we tell ourselves.

I don’t know about you, but I think the waiting is over.

I’m not waiting for the world to see me before I feel visible, and I’m not waiting for the world to hear me before I start using my voice. I am not waiting for some other human to show up and save me … I'm finding my own strength.

All of us can create the life we want. We have the power to walk ourselves out of every storm we face and to hold our heads high.

Remember that you have a unique, powerful story within you. Your past matters because it created the amazing person you are today; but your past holds no power over you.

You and you alone hold the power to change your life.

It can be a nerve-wracking realization when you begin to understand your capabilities. But my love, it’s time to stop dimming your shine to make other people comfortable. It’s time to own your life, own your choices and own your power.

Life is too short; the time is now. Stop waiting. Look in the mirror and see the person who will get you through.

What will you manifest and make happen for yourself this coming year?

Owning your power? Letting your light shine? Being intentional? Being a person of action?

You hold the power in you; you always have. It’s time to create the life you want.

Mariel Nichole #SeeTheLightBeTheLight

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