September 2022, and are on track to continue growth by ten per month onward. Her resilience to adapt to new worlds, industries, education and global influence created a wealth of wisdom, grace, and of course public leverage within her has inspired her to share her gifts and experience by instructing others how to navigate this modern world to reach one’s goals both emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. The power of public leverage that she had built for herself had become a beacon for the disadvantages of women in business who had not had the same opportunities, where she learned the true stigma and mental conditioning that women tend to fall into when it comes to the value of beauty and self- worth. Through many of her friends, teachers and interviews she’s held with women, she was able to identify these mental constraints of these incredible, inspiring and successful women in business such as their selective self- perception that denies the true worth of beauty for themselves. Joy explains that beauty is more than just an image, it is an expression of someone’s internal dialogue of self-care, self-love, and our finesse between our masculine (material gain, taking
action, following through) and feminine (receptivity, empathy, intuition and emotional intelligence) energies that reside within us all. Women who deny themselves the same patience and kindness for themselves in care that they so naturally give to others is a parallel to how we understand beauty. She discusses how women's true power is through our beauty, and the patience, inner gentleness, and creativity necessary in order to manifest that beauty. What is it that makes someone beautiful? Is it really only a skin-deep thing? Absolutely not. Take a look at some of the leading women of history for example. Many of these women were recognized for their actions, how they treated others and themselves, how they use their eyes, their laugh, their voice, their charm, their walk, their words — all of these attributes are cultivated internally before they ever find themselves in the exposure to any sentient observer; and it is this concept which expresses that beauty and harmony start from within. Joy explains how we are all human, and beauty starts internally through balancing our minds, hearts, and health; and this strength develops itself outwards which we recognize as “beautiful.” “These concepts of internal and external beauty standards are not separate,” she begins, “rather it is in their unity.”
And this, my beautiful readers, is where Joy finds her next project in educating others how to till the land of our internal worlds so that we can create a world of nourishment and harmony in ourselves so that we, too, can create the lives of peace and beauty for our own passions and daily life. From the sacred Temples in Thailand, the High Fashion Industry, Royal Courts, medical spas, to her certifications and PhD Candidacy in Natural & Integrative Medicine, Joy has found a bridge to unite her multifaceted insight for others on a grounded, simple structure so that even the earliest beginners can equally reach their goals to remember and become the very best version of themselves. We all know the Albert Einstein quote, “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough,” and this is the very same philosophy Joy utilizes for her projects, especially through her social media platforms. “Simple is key,” she says, as she, as a first-generation immigrant and multilingual individual understands the importance of starting small and building into the complex for continual growth in any subject, “When we use the most simple language possible to describe the core of a message, we are able to reach a much wider demographic of people who are interested in learning more while not intimidating them by wild
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