The Bellwether, July 1, 2023


abundance of value by skillfully directing their attention to the right concerns.) This focus on quality and excellence can overcome even the worst economic downturns. Despite the raging Great Depression, her stewardship ensured the brand not only survived but also thrived. The lesson for us? An entrepreneur must commit to achieving excellence in commerce. Establishing high- minded principles for yourself and your team leads to making an impressive impact and helps you weather any storm. Review your operations and look for ways you might be putting concern for profits over truly meeting (and exceeding) the needs of the market. Are you overly committed to a particular method of doing things that fits your view of excellence instead of what helps others succeed? Additionally, are you undervaluing yourself in a race to the bottom with price wars? Remember to find a niche where you can concentrate your efforts and elevate that audience. PROMOTING A HIGHER LEVEL OF EDUCATION AND FREE THOUGHT True bellwethers contribute toward a higher level of education that promotes free thinking without oppression. Rubinstein’s business and lifestyle displayed a passion for educating herself and others. Rubinstein proclaimed that “the path of beauty is science.” Many of her

Any organization that wants to endure must offer more than the many mundane and mediocre options in the market. With this in mind, Rubinstein took the beauty industry to new heights. She understood that personal appearance can be a significant factor in success. Our presentation is a critical part of how we craft an identity and express our status to others. (The prejudice against women meant that a lady’s looks were even more vital.) However, most people relied on homemade treatments at that time. Professionally manufactured makeup was only for actresses and escorts. Consequently, such products were offensive to the general populace. Rubinstein’s cosmetics empire made glamour a practical aspiration. Looking good and feeling good were complementary characteristics. She repeated that beauty should radiate from the inside and is within reach of any person willing to make the effort. What she expressed to her clientele, she demanded of herself. She crafted and tested items to ensure they were of the highest quality. She also understood the value of pricing her creations at a premium to maintain their luxurious mystique. (In this respect, her marketing genius fits what business experts have called “the Principle of the Wealthy Magician.” She helped customers appreciate that they were getting an

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