The Bellwether, July 1, 2024

The July 2024 issue of The Bellwether Magazine features a rich array of content aimed at inspiring and empowering entrepreneurs and business leaders. Highlighting diverse topics, this issue includes insightful articles, inspiring stories, and practical advice to support its readership in their professional and personal journeys. Irina Sychov: Shares her journey from Siberia to the world stage, empowering women entrepreneurs through her Voice Community Anima, which combines her artistic background with business acumen. Money with Morals: Explores ethical financial topics, including revenue generation, tax strategies, and investment opportunities. Tech Bytes: Provides education on the latest technology trends, including AI and social media, tailored for entrepreneurs. Real Estate Roadmap: Insights into real estate investment strategies, tips for buyers and sellers, and financing options. Health Hacks for Happiness: Covers mental and physical health tips to achieve inner fulfillment. Lifestyle: Focuses on luxury lifestyle items and experiences enjoyed by entrepreneurs. Foodie Forum: Highlights the latest trends in fine dining, top restaurants, chefs, and culinary experiences. Special Features: Leadership Insights: Articles on strategic growth, including the importance of self-awareness and the art of delegation. Real Estate Wholesaling: An in-depth guide to the lucrative investment strategy by Michael Garrison. - Additional sections offer valuable educational nuggets, book recommendations, and features on past thought leaders. Overall, the July 2024 issue of The Bellwether Magazine is packed with valuable content, offering inspiration, practical advice, and thought-provoking articles to help entrepreneurs and business leaders navigate their paths to success.







Editor’s Note

esteemed readers, to be pioneers in a movement where business ventures flourish on the tenets of honesty, accountability, and mutual respect. Let us together forge a legacy of prosperity, marked not solely by financial gain but by the profound societal contributions we make.

Our Mission

Our Pledge

As the days grow longer and the world awakens to the full splendor of May, let us seize the moment for rejuvenation and responsible growth. The year 2024 beckons us to set benchmarks for business practices that are equitable, transparent, and sustainable. Embark on this enlightening journey with us, and let's celebrate a year of triumphs and prosperity based more on what is ethical and moral rather than merely what is legal!

Ethical Compass

Executive Editor Michael Garrison

| The Bellwether |

ABOUT THE TEAM The Bellwether Magazine began as a humble passion project by a group of visionary entrepreneurs with a shared goal—to create a platform that celebrates the journey of entrepreneurship, from the thrill of starting a venture to the triumphs of scaling and beyond. Like you, we know the exhilarating highs and daunting challenges of forging one's path in the business world. It was this shared experience that drove us to build a community of like-minded individuals, pooling together our collective wisdom to inspire and support each other on our entrepreneurial quests.

Tanya Brockett | Managing Editor

Deborah Froese | Contributing Writer

Michael Garrison | Executive Editor

Debra Wallace | Contributing Writer

| The Bellwether |

7 REAL ESTATE ROADMAP Insights into all things real estate. It covers topics such as tips for buyers and sellers, real estate trends, investment strategies and financing options.

MONEY WITH MORALS 35 Covers financial topics like revenue generation, tax strategies, wealth creation and investment opportunities including philanthropy. Part 2 of Unleashing Leadership.





The latest trends and developments in the world of fine dining, including top restaurants, chefs, and culinary experiences.

Provides education on the latest technology trends and products, including AI, social media, SEO, and new tech products.



WHATS THE WORD 48 Educational nuggets and value-adds that may be appealing to entrepreneurs and business people.

Covers mental and physical health and provides tips for achieving inner fulfillment and inspiration.



What positive impact are professional athletes are doing after stepping away from their sport.

AUTHOR ADVANTAGE 56 Highlights reading materials that may be of interest, including books by successful business leaders and authors. Our favorite reads and special launches.



Thoughts and words for the month that provide inspiration and enlightenment.



NOT FORGOTTEN 59 Remembering the past exemplars of the Bellwether tradition. Thought leaders, trendsetters and those thought ahead of their time.

Focuses on luxury lifestyle items and experiences that entrepreneurs and business people enjoy or incorporate into their lives.


FEATURED FORUM Empowering Voices: Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs: The Journey of Irina Sychov

EVENTS CALENDAR 65 All relevant events coming up presented by contributors to this issue.

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let's ponder upon kindness

Who could use a gesture of kindness from you today?


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Real Estate Wholesaling: A Gateway to Real Estate Investment

By Michael Garrison

motivated sellers facing situations like foreclosure, divorce, or inheriting homes. Effective marketing tactics include bandit signs, direct mail, and "driving for dollars"—physically searching for properties showing signs of neglect. 2. Get the Property Under Contract Once a potential property is identified, present an offer to the seller. It's crucial to explain the benefits of working with a wholesaler, such as a quick sale without the need for repairs. Secure the property under a contract that includes the right to assign it to another buyer. 3. Analyze the Deal Thoroughly analyze the deal to ensure profitability. Assess repair costs, after-repair value (ARV), and the maximum allowable offer price. Including an inspection contingency in the contract can protect your investment by allowing you to back out if the property needs more repairs than initially estimated. 4. Find a Cash Buyer With the property under contract, leverage your buyer's list—investors willing to purchase and renovate distressed properties. Market the deal by highlighting the potential profits, ensuring that you provide all necessary information to make it attractive.

Real estate wholesaling is a unique investment strategy where a wholesaler contracts a property at a discounted price and then assigns the contract to another buyer at a higher price, pocketing the difference. This approach can be highly lucrative if executed correctly and is particularly appealing to new investors due to its low barrier to entry.

Key Aspects of Real Estate Wholesaling

The essence of real estate wholesaling lies in the fact that the wholesaler never actually purchases or takes ownership of the property. Instead, they secure it under contract. Typically, these properties are distressed homes needing repairs or come from highly motivated sellers. The wholesaler's role is to find another buyer, usually an investor, willing to pay a higher price for the property, making their profit from the assignment fee.

How to Wholesale Real Estate

1. Find Distressed Properties Finding the right properties is the cornerstone of successful wholesaling. Look for distressed properties listed below market value from

| The Bellwether |

5. Assign the Contract Agree on an assignment fee with your buyer, usually 5-10% of the purchase price. Sign over the original contract to the buyer, who will complete the purchase, allowing you to step back and collect your fee. 6. Collect Your Assignment Fee At closing, the title company handles the transaction and pays you the negotiated assignment fee for facilitating the deal between the seller and buyer.

Conclusion Wholesaling real estate can be an excellent entry point for aspiring investors, offering a way to learn the ropes of real estate without significant capital or risk. However, it requires dedication to marketing, strong negotiation skills, and a good understanding of deal analysis and repair estimation. Building a solid network of sellers and buyers is crucial to maintaining a successful wholesale business. If approached with diligence and strategic planning, real estate wholesaling can pave the way for a rewarding career in real estate investment.

Pros of Wholesaling Real Estate

Cons of Wholesaling Real Estate

Low Startup Capital and Minimal Risks: Since you never actually own the property, the financial risks are significantly lower. Quick Profits: Wholesaling can yield fast returns if you find good deals and buyers quickly. No Renovation or Landlording: You don’t have to manage properties or deal with tenants. Learning Opportunity: It’s a great way to learn about real estate investing with minimal experience. Flexibility: Wholesaling can be done virtually, offering location independence.

Constant Hustle: Success relies on continuously finding good deals and buyers, which can be challenging. Competitive Market: Wholesaling is a competitive field with relatively low profit margins. Building a Network: Establishing a reliable list of motivated sellers and cash buyers is crucial and time- consuming. Legal Requirements: Some states require a real estate license to wholesale legally. Inconsistent Income: Until you build a steady pipeline of deals, your income can be inconsistent.

Michael Garrison is an investor, real estate entrepreneur, and construction industry consultant whose mission has been to promote purpose, security, and success. He was once a radio celebrity and is also the executive editor at The Bellwether Magazine. Connect with Michael on LinkedIn.

Click Here to Read Previous Articles by Michael

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Motivational Quote [July '24]

"Moving forward" is a phrase commonly used to indicate a shift in focus or direction towards a future goal or plan. It suggests a proactive and positive mindset aimed at progress and growth.

| The Bellwether |


Lenora Edwards MS

You're having a rough day, feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or maybe even a sense of emptiness. You find yourself wandering to the kitchen, opening the fridge, and reaching for that pint of ice cream or a bag of chips, hoping to find comfort and relief. Sound familiar? If so, you're not alone. This is the reality for countless individuals struggling with emotional eating, and it's a battle that Lenora Edwards knows all too well. As a renowned TEDx speaker, author, and expert with experience in overcoming emotional eating, Lenora has dedicated her life to helping individuals break free from the cycle of emotional eating and cultivate a deep sense of emotional well-being. At the heart of Lenora's approach lies the BEFREE method, a comprehensive six-week program that empowers individuals to transform their relationship with food and their bodies. Born from Lenora's own personal journey of overcoming an eating disorder and emotional eating and her extensive experience working with clients from diverse backgrounds, the BEFREE method is proof of the power of emotional healing and self-discovery. Each letter of the BEFREE acronym represents a crucial stage in the transformative process: Begin with Awareness, Embrace Your Emotions, Free Your Mind, Reclaim Your Power, Energize Your Transformation, and Evolve and Expand. Through a skillful blend of education, experiential exercises, and group support, Lenora guides her clients to gain deep insights into their emotional landscape, develop practical coping strategies, and cultivate a mindset of self-compassion and acceptance. One of the key components of Lenora's methodology is the integration of Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR), a powerful technique that helps individuals access and heal the root causes of their emotional eating patterns. By resolving past traumas and reframing limiting beliefs, HMR enables participants to break free from the subconscious patterns that have kept them stuck in the cycle of emotional eating. Mindfulness is another essential pillar of Lenora's approach. Through mindful eating, she teaches her clients to be fully present and engaged during meals, reconnect with their body's innate wisdom, and develop a more intuitive, nurturing relationship with food. As Lenora explains, "Mindful eating transforms the act of eating from a subconscious reaction to a deliberate action, enhancing not just the joy of eating but also our health."

| The Bellwether |

The impact of Lenora's work extends far beyond the realm of food. By helping her clients change their internal dialogue and cultivate a more compassionate and supportive inner voice, she empowers them to transform their overall well-being and create lasting change in all areas of their lives. In addition to her one-on-one work with clients, Lenora is passionate about creating supportive communities where individuals can connect, learn, and grow together. Her online communities, "Eat, Love, Heal" and "Positive Thinking for Women," serve as supportive communities for those seeking daily inspiration, guidance, and encouragement on their healing journeys. For those aspiring to become coaches in the field of emotional wellness, Lenora emphasizes the importance of authenticity, continuous learning, and developing essential skills such as exceptional communication and building trust with clients. She stresses the significance of maintaining empathy throughout the coaching process to positively impact people's lives. Ultimately, Lenora's definition of success is helping individuals feel better through her various techniques and specialties. She shares impactful moments with clients, showcasing the immediate shifts and improvements they experience through her guidance. Lenora focuses on empowering individuals towards improved well-being and self-discovery, drawing from her own struggles and triumphs over the past two decades. As we navigate the complexities of health and wellness in our lives, Lenora Edwards serves as a powerful reminder that our journey to well-being is not just about what we eat but also about healing our emotions and nurturing our souls. With her transformative BEFREE method, empowering online communities, and unwavering commitment to emotional healing, Lenora is empowering individuals worldwide to break free from the chains of emotional eating and step into a life of authentic joy, freedom, and self-love.

Click Here to Read Previous Articles by Lenora

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Leadership is About Learning to Open Your Heart Leadership is about more than just technique and methods. It is about opening the heart. Leadership is about inspiration—of oneself and others. Outstanding leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership is not a formula or a program; it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. It is an attitude, not a routine. —Lance Secretan

Love is commonly thought of as a feeling, an emotion, or a force that brings people together. It's been the topic of countless films, novels, and songs. However, love is also a potent leadership skill, often overlooked in business and management. Leaders who show love, care, and empathy for their team members gain respect, loyalty, and trust. They understand that employees are not merely resources but an essential part of the organization. They recognize that seeking success at the cost of employees' well-being is immoral and counterproductive. Love fosters an environment where employees feel empowered, appreciated, and valued as individuals, not just cogs in a corporate machine. By valuing and respecting their unique skills, abilities, and perspectives, you can harness a team's potential and create a thriving workplace culture. By prioritizing love as a leadership skill, we inspire our team members to extend compassion and kindness toward one another. Team members who feel cared for and valued tend to show the same for each other and go to

extraordinary lengths to collaborate and work together, which is what being a team is all about. Leaders who show love, compassion, and understanding when their people are experiencing difficult situations earn the trust and respect of their people. Whether an employee is experiencing personal hardship or struggling with work-related tasks, empathetic leaders listen to their concerns, provide support and encouragement, and help them find solutions. Love is not merely a sentimental human notion; it's a potent leadership skill that will transform your workplace culture and create a sustainable environment where employees feel valued and respected. With love as the foundation of your leadership, you will foster trust and loyalty and create a united and thriving workplace culture—a fantastic recipe for success. Michael Mints

My purpose is to help people succeed in all areas of life: career, finances, mindset, relationships, health, and happiness. I value faith, family, and people. Married with four daughters and eight grandchildren, I'm passionate about guiding others to discover and achieve their vision of success. Connect Here

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The "Save-The-Day" Trend: A Simple Lifestyle Hack for Avoiding Burnout

Staff Writer

It’s super easy to get lost in the hustle and forget about our own well-being. That's where the "Save-The-Day" trend comes in, a viral sensation on TikTok that's all about prioritizing self-care. The idea is simple: do something kind for yourself every weekday to keep stress at bay. The "Save-The-Day" trend is a hit because it's straightforward and works for everyone. It’s a reminder that taking care of ourselves isn’t just a luxury; it should be part of our daily routine. By doing small acts of kindness for ourselves, we can manage bad days better and avoid burning out. Why has this trend caught on? Because it’s all about sustainable self-care. Unlike extreme diets or intense wellness regimes, this trend promotes easy, bite-sized acts of self-care that fit into even the busiest schedules. For those swamped with work, "saving the day" might mean a short break with a good cup of tea, a quick walk to clear your mind, or a healthy lunch with a friend. These small breaks help you disconnect from work and reconnect with yourself. The beauty of this trend is its flexibility. Whether you're a high-powered executive, a small business owner, or a freelancer, you can tailor these acts of kindness to your own needs. The key is consistency, making these acts a regular part of your routine to bring some order to the chaos of daily life.

Beyond just relaxing, the "Save-The-Day" trend helps build a positive mindset. By making self- care a priority, you're sending yourself a message that you deserve kindness and compassion. This can boost your confidence and resilience. Plus, it reminds you to tackle challenges with a growth mindset. Instead of letting bad days derail you, see them as chances for self-care and personal growth, making you stronger and more resilient. One of the coolest things about this trend is how it spreads positivity. When people share their self- care practices, they inspire others to do the same, creating a supportive community. In the business world, where stress and burnout are common, the "Save-The-Day" trend can promote a healthier work culture. Encouraging employees to prioritize self-care can lead to a more engaged, productive, and resilient workforce. In a society that often glorifies constant hustle and productivity, the "Save-The-Day" trend is a refreshing reminder that success shouldn’t come at the cost of our well-being. By adopting this simple yet powerful lifestyle hack, we can better manage stress and foster a positive mindset that benefits all areas of our lives. So, next time you feel overwhelmed, remember to take a break and do something nice for yourself. By "saving the day," you’re not just avoiding burnout – you’re investing in your long- term well-being and success.

| The Bellwether |

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.


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After The Game

| The Bellwether |

Turning Challenges Into Opportunities: A Lifelong Journey of Giving Back

By Darryl Meadows

encounter with Premier Rx, a startup aiming to revolutionize the pharmaceutical landscape, was serendipitous. By replacing traditional pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) with a more affordable, transparent model, we could ensure medications reach those in need without the burden of exorbitant costs. This endeavor isn't just business; it's a personal crusade against the inequalities plaguing our healthcare system.

legacy For entrepreneurs and leaders alike, the message is clear: our actions today can cultivate a healthier, more equitable tomorrow. of positive change.

From the vibrant rush of a firefighting career to the strategic plays on the football field, my journey has been anything but ordinary. Now, as I pivot towards addressing healthcare disparities and coaching the youth, the drive to impact lives positively has never dimmed. This narrative isn't just about my past accomplishments but about leveraging every experience to shape a better future for communities and businesses alike.

A Call to Action

To my fellow entrepreneurs and community leaders, I extend a challenge: let's harness our collective expertise, resources, and passion to address the pressing issues of our time. Whether it's through innovative healthcare solutions, youth mentorship, or educational programs, the opportunities to make a difference are boundless. Together, we can build a future where everyone has the chance to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. In closing, my journey from the firehouse to the football field, and now to the forefront of healthcare reform, reflects a fundamental belief: life's greatest fulfillment comes from serving others. Let's embrace this ethos, turning challenges into opportunities for growth, innovation, and lasting impact.

The Power of Education and Entrepreneurship

The Essence of Giving Back

The realization that life is a precious gift, often taken for granted, became apparent to me during my tenure as a firefighter. Witnessing firsthand the struggles of those less fortunate underscored the importance of community and the potential for individual actions to drive change. This understanding propelled me to extend my service beyond the firehouse, embracing volunteerism and mentorship. Coaching young athletes wasn't just about winning games; it was a platform to instill resilience, teamwork, and leadership – skills vital both on and off the field.

The pivotal role of education in empowering individuals and communities cannot be overstated. I'm constantly reminded of the transformative power of knowledge. By equipping the youth with the skills to innovate, we're not just addressing immediate needs but fostering a generation capable of reshaping their future. Entrepreneurship, particularly within the healthcare sphere, offers a beacon of hope, paving the way for sustainable development and self-reliance.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Healthcare and Youth Development

As we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead, my focus remains steadfast on healthcare innovation and youth empowerment. The potential to leverage technology and education to create lasting impact is immense. By continuing to mentor young minds and advocate for healthcare reforms, I'm committed to contributing to a

Innovation in Healthcare: Bridging Gaps

Transitioning from public service to tackling healthcare's complexities, I found a new battlefield. The mission? To democratize healthcare access. My

Darryl Meadows is a Premier-Rx Client Manager and former NFL player with over 30 years of experience in business consulting and fire safety. Contact on LinkedIn

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Author, editor, and story coach Deborah Froese is on a mission to spark change through the stories we share.

Image by Jessica Kwok, courtesy of

I’m a recovering perfectionist. My past is littered with the tattered remains of endeavors that didn’t meet my standards. Perfectionism took root in high school. I enrolled in a double major to prepare for university while indulging my passion for art through graphic design. I wanted my creations to accurately reflect the vision in my head, but they often didn’t. My teacher usually granted me extensions for “do-overs” but also counseled me to look at unexpected results as opportunities for re-envision. The Fatal Flaw of Perfectionism and people have seemingly responded, in kind, by agitating to perfect themselves and their lifestyles.” The study found that between 1989 and 2016, expectations of personal perfection increased by 10% while expectations of perfection in others increased by 16%. Strikingly, the perception of socially-prescribed perfectionism increased by 33% in that same time period. The rise is attributed to factors like increased societal pressures, social media influence, and a competitive educational environment. Unfortunately, trends toward perfectionism have been linked to higher rates of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation among young people in the US, Canada, and the UK. I just didn’t get it. 1 2

While other people commended my efforts—and my graphics design teacher even had me create professional material for his friend—I saw only its flaws. I didn’t understand that those so-called flaws were invitations to growth, to improve my craft. I didn’t necessarily need to start over but to carry what I learned into the next project, expanding my portfolio. Focusing on meeting my standard of perfection kept me stuck in one zone, on one project, entrenching me in repetition rather than progress. And it wasn’t just art. It applied to sewing projects and other crafts, photography, music, and even styling my hair or choosing my clothes. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop in high school. In fact, the search for “perfect” continued until I had children and barely had time to do something once, never mind a do-over. Unfortunately, perfectionism is on the rise. A 2019 study published in the Psychological Bulletin says that “from the 1980s onward, neoliberal governance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom has emphasized competitive individualism,

It certainly caused plenty of grief for me.

In her book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, Julia Cameron writes, “Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough.” Perfectionism holds people back. It tightens the gut with angst and forces continual evaluation, likely against an impossible objective. It is fueled by the fear of failure and the need for external validation. It’s not healthy for body, mind, or spirit. So how does one release perfectionism—especially if they really want to produce good work? Consider striving for excellence instead. Excellence emphasizes learning and growth. It views missteps as opportunities to learn and grow (just like my graphic design teacher tried to tell me). It is fueled by an internal desire to do good work through

| The Bellwether |

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continual expansion rather than fear of rejection, and it nurtures resilience.

When I began writing intentionally, I kneaded my words until I thought they were perfect. When a kindly mentor suggested a few things I could improve upon (okay, more than a few things), I was devastated. Pride won out, however, and I decided to take his advice. I’ll show him, I thought, sure that he’d recognize the error of his judgment when he saw the results. But I was wrong. His suggestions improved my writing. For the next few months, we slipped into a routine: each week, I would implement the editing suggestions he provided for one story and draft a new story for him to critique. I didn’t attempt to make each story perfect; instead, I strove to make improvements and take what I learned from one into the next. When those few months were up, I had nearly enough material for a short story collection. By shifting my focus to excellence rather than perfection, I made progress and felt good about it. Now, nearly twenty-five years later, my writing process has evolved into a three-draft process for achieving the progressive nature of excellence over the stalemate of perfectionism: Draft One: Get it done, no matter what it looks like. Draft Two: Assess the work (including feedback from others) and revise. Draft Three: Assess the revision, add a few more tweaks if necessary, celebrate your achievement, and take what you learned into the next project. Do I take this approach with everything I do? I certainly try. But I’m not perfect, and I’m no longer trying to be. Perfectionism is increasing over time: A meta-analysis of birth cohort differences from 1989 to 2016. ( Perfectionism Among Young People Significantly Increased Since 1980s, Study Finds ( 1 2


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| The Bellwether |


Top 10 Best Strategies in Retreat Planning

If you have any questions or want to see if you qualify to build your own retreats... Catherine Kontos, Founder & RetreatEO at RetreatBoss™

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Finding mental and spiritual peace is tough. Stress and emotional pain are constant companions, no matter your lifestyle. But what if there was a better way to escape this cycle? Enter the world of retreats, a transformative experience that offers more than just a vacation.

What Is a Retreat?

A retreat is a focused program led by a facilitator where like-minded people gather for a few intense days to spark personal transformation or enhance a company's culture. Retreats can be local or international and vary in their level of impact, from learning new skills to deep personal change.

Types of Retreats

There are many types of retreats, each catering to different needs: Corporate Retreats Yoga Retreats Meditation Retreats Culinary Retreats Health & Wellness Retreats Fitness Retreats Psychedelic & Plant-Based Medicine Retreats

Couples Retreats Spiritual Retreats Ayahuasca Retreats LGBTQ+ Retreats Location-Specific Retreats (e.g., Costa Rica, Bali)

Duration of a Retreat

The length of a retreat can vary. A local retreat typically lasts four days, while international retreats should ideally be seven days, but never less than five. Some transformational retreats can go up to a month, but most are between 7-14 days.

Benefits of Organizing a Retreat

Retreats are fantastic for relieving mental stress and fostering personal growth. When done in groups, they also serve as excellent bonding activities. Participants can learn new methods to calm their minds, engage in personal growth activities, and even pick up new artistic skills. Leaders and business owners benefit greatly from retreats, finding it a way to connect with their more creative and fit selves. It's also a great place for team bonding away from the usual workplace hierarchy.


Set a Clear Goal To ensure success, have a clear goal in mind. Ask yourself: What kind of experience are we aiming for? What will attendees gain from this? Clear answers help lay a strong foundation. Engage Everyone Plan activities that all attendees will enjoy. Sessions should be on topics that interest everyone to keep engagement high. Get Group Opinions Create a list of potential activities and ask participants for their preferences. If response rates are low, ask for suggestions to ensure everyone has a say. Select Leaders or Managers Managing a retreat can be tiring. Assign team members to handle logistics so facilitators can focus on the program itself. Schedule Rest Time Consider the age and physical abilities of attendees.

Schedule downtime between activities to keep everyone energized and able to process their experiences. Choose the Right Environment A retreat should be held away from daily life. Opt for distant, peaceful locations that offer a break from the norm. Invest in Good Food Provide healthy, tasty meals catering to various dietary needs. Good food keeps participants motivated and happy. Monitor Engagement Check in with participants to gauge their engagement and adjust activities as needed to keep enthusiasm high. Keep a Flexible Schedule While it's good to have a plan, allow for some flexibility. Buffer times can handle unexpected delays or issues smoothly. Collect Feedback

Always seek feedback and be open to making changes. Understanding each participant's experience can help improve future retreats. Download here your Free Guide: Boss Up with Retreats Start Your Retreat Planning Journey Page 25

Hopeforth Parish Church

| The Bellwether |


IRINA SYCHOV Empowering Voices

Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs: The Journey of Irina Sychov

Irina Sychov is a true champion of women's entrepreneurship. From her early days as a stage performer to becoming a leading advocate for women in business, Irina’s story highlights the power of resilience, creativity, and passion. Irina’s transition from the entertainment industry to the world of entrepreneurship showcases her determination to help others find their voices. As the founder of Voice Community Anima, she empowers women entrepreneurs by providing tools and opportunities for growth and success. Irina's journey is an inspiring example of what can be achieved with dedication and a supportive community.

From Siberia to the World Stage

Irina Sychov's journey began in Siberia, where she started singing at the age of three to overcome a stutter. This early challenge not only shaped her voice but also her determination. Her passion for performance and drive to succeed took her to London, where she continued honing her craft. Irina's breakthrough came when she appeared on the X Factor UK, becoming the first Russian- speaking contestant to make a significant impact on the show. Her participation in the X Factor was more than a personal achievement; it was a statement to all Eastern European artists about breaking barriers and believing in their potential. Despite facing numerous challenges, including visa issues and cultural barriers, Irina persevered and showcased her

| The Bellwether |

talent on one of the world's most prestigious stages. Her performance won the hearts of many and set a record with over a million real- time viewers. with determination and belief in oneself, even the most daunting obstacles can be overcome. Her journey from a small town in Russia to performing on an international stage is a testament to her resilience and serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists and entrepreneurs everywhere. Irina's story demonstrates that

artistic background with business practices, she teaches that authenticity and passion are key to creating lasting relationships. Irina believes that when entrepreneurs express their genuine selves, they foster trust and loyalty among their audience. One of the unique aspects of Voice Community Anima is its focus on creativity. Irina encourages members to use their artistic talents and personal stories to enhance their business ventures. This approach sets them apart in the marketplace and helps them connect more deeply with their clients. Irina’s workshops often include elements of performance art, such as singing and storytelling, to help women tap into their creativity and communicate their messages more effectively.

Bridging Creativity and Business

Irina’s to entrepreneurship is a compelling example of how creativity can be leveraged in business. Initially recognized for her powerful voice and stage presence, Irina has always understood the importance of connecting with an audience on an emotional level. This understanding became the cornerstone of her business philosophy when she transitioned from performing to empowering women entrepreneurs. journey from entertainment After success on the X Factor UK, Irina realized that the skills she honed on stage could be instrumental in the business arena. She founded Voice Community Anima, a platform dedicated to supporting and empowering women in business. Through this community, Irina provides women entrepreneurs the tools they need to succeed, such as public speaking workshops, networking events, and creative self- expression opportunities. Irina emphasizes that building a successful business goes beyond traditional strategies; it requires an emotional connection with clients and partners. By integrating her

Irina’s philosophy is that creativity and business are not mutually exclusive but are

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backgrounds and support each other. Irina’s efforts highlight that shared values and mutual respect can bridge any cultural or linguistic divides, making the community stronger and more dynamic. can collaborate Through Voice Community Anima, Irina Sychov is not just building a network; she is cultivating a movement that empowers women to embrace their voices and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

complementary forces that, when combined, can lead to extraordinary success. Her innovative approach to entrepreneurship has inspired many women to embrace their unique talents and pursue their business goals with confidence and enthusiasm.

Building a Supportive Community

Irina Sychov's holistic approach to business emphasizes the value of community and the power of shared experiences. Through Voice Community Anima, Irina provides a safe and inspiring environment where women entrepreneurs can thrive. This community is designed to help women grow in confidence and visibility by offering a range of supportive activities and resources. Voice Community Anima hosts various events and workshops catering to women's unique needs in business. These include karaoke parties, which help break the ice and foster camaraderie, and networking sessions where women can connect, share experiences, and build valuable relationships. Public speaking workshops are another key feature, helping women to develop their presentation skills and overcome any fears associated with speaking in front of an audience. Irina believes that women can achieve extraordinary things when they come together to support each other. This belief is at the core of Voice Community Anima’s mission. By fostering an environment of mutual support and collaboration, Irina helps women entrepreneurs grow their businesses and develop personally and professionally. One of the standout aspects of Irina’s community-building efforts is her focus on inclusivity. She emphasizes the importance of creating a space where women from diverse

Looking to the Future

Irina Sychov's vision for the future extends far beyond her current achievements. She is dedicated to expanding her initiatives and creating even more opportunities for women entrepreneurs worldwide. One of her upcoming projects is a women's conference in Beverly Hills, which aims to provide a platform for women to connect, share their experiences, and grow their businesses. This event will bring together industry leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs to foster collaboration and support. In addition to the conference, Irina is partnering with organizations like TechCrunch to offer growth opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. These partnerships will help women gain access to valuable resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, further enhancing their chances of success. Irina’s ultimate goal is to empower individuals to embrace their voices and unlock their potential. Her journey from a small town in Russia to a business leader in Los Angeles is powerful evidence of what can be achieved with passion, dedication, and a supportive community. As Irina continues to inspire and uplift others, the future looks bright for women entrepreneurs everywhere.

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| The Bellwether |

Connect with Irina Sychov

Instagram: @la.d.i_ LinkedIn: Irina Sychov

Watch Irina’s full interview on the Entrepreneurs Forum Speaker Series:

Interview by Lisa E. Kirkwood is The True Stories Merchant, connecting and transforming people through storytelling. A speaker, author, and consultant, Ms. Kirkwood is a master storyteller, and two- times award-winner for Diversity in corporate America. She focuses on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as Leadership, Development, and Empowerment. website:

Tanya Brockett, MBA, is an award-winning publishing expert, producer, and strategist who skillfully guides authorpreneurs from baffled to bestseller and obscurity to influence in books and films. Tanya has coached hundreds of authors and entrepreneurs, trained thousands in publishing and business, and reviewed/written millions of pages of prose. Tanya teaches new bestsellers through The Bestseller Worthy Formula Course. Tap into Tanya’s expertise at, on LinkedIn , or at

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Money with Morals

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Empowering Nonprofits: From Inception to Growth By Dr. Vince Lindenmeyer, Colonel, US Army (Retired)

decision and action. Once defined, the next step is to register and establish your nonprofit at both the federal and state levels. This process can be complex, but it is crucial for gaining the legal status and credibility needed to operate effectively. To streamline the startup process, I recommend using a project management tool like Asana. This tool helps track every step of the process, ensuring nothing is overlooked. Regular weekly or bi- weekly meetings are essential to keep the organization on track and compliant with all legal and operational requirements. Additionally, maintaining open lines of communication via email or text ensures that clients can reach out as needed, fostering a supportive and responsive environment. Principles for Effective Nonprofit Leadership 1. Mission-Driven Leadership A nonprofit's mission is its guiding star. Effective leaders consistently align their strategies and actions with the organization's mission. This requires clear communication of the mission to all stakeholders and integrating it into every aspect of the nonprofit's operations. Adaptability Successful nonprofit leaders are strategic thinkers. They develop comprehensive plans that include short-term and long- term goals. However, they also 2. Strategic Planning and

remain adaptable, ready to pivot when circumstances change. This balance between planning and flexibility is crucial for navigating the dynamic nonprofit landscape. 3. Building and Empowering a Strong Board A well-functioning board is critical to a nonprofit's success. Effective leaders invest in developing their board, ensuring members understand their roles and responsibilities. Regular training and clear communication help keep the board engaged and aligned with the nonprofit's goals. 4. Ensuring Compliance and Transparency Transparency builds trust with donors, stakeholders, and the public. Nonprofit leaders must prioritize compliance with legal requirements and best practices in governance. Tools like GuideStar can help maintain transparency and accountability, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records and timely reporting. 5. Networking and Community Engagement Networking is vital for growth and sustainability. Leaders should actively seek opportunities to connect with other nonprofits, potential partners, and stakeholders. Monthly meetings with groups like the Non-profit Circle can provide valuable platforms for brainstorming, sharing resources, and building strategic partnerships.

In February 2019, I found myself stepping into an old, converted tax office in North Omaha. There, amidst the clutter and the buzz of activity, I met Preston Love Jr., a 77- year-old African American Civil Rights Leader. Preston had recently suffered a stroke, yet he was still busy giving orders and driving his mission forward. As we sat down to discuss how I could assist him, I made a bold suggestion: “You need a succession plan. Who will replace you if you have another stroke?” His immediate response was one of offense, but that moment marked the beginning of a transformative partnership. Working with Preston taught me invaluable lessons about leadership, resilience, and humility. Our collaboration led to significant growth and impact for his nonprofit, reinforcing the principles I now apply in my consulting practice. These principles are not just theoretical; they are proven strategies that have helped numerous organizations achieve their missions and thrive. Foundational Steps to Nonprofit Success The first step in establishing a successful nonprofit is to develop a clear and compelling mission, vision, and values. These elements form the backbone of your organization, guiding every

| The Bellwether |

6. Diversifying Revenue Streams Financial stability is essential for a nonprofit's longevity. Leaders should explore various funding sources, including grants, donations, and partnerships. Tools like Instrumentl can help in finding and applying for grants, ensuring a steady flow of resources to support the nonprofit's mission. 7. Tailoring Support and Building Relationships Understanding the unique needs and missions of each client is crucial for providing effective support. Leaders should immerse themselves in the learning process alongside their clients, tailoring advice and resources to meet specific needs. Building meaningful relationships and connections ensures that the support provided is not only practical but also deeply personalized. Learning and Improvement Effective leaders are lifelong learners. They stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and best 8. Embracing Continuous

practices in the nonprofit sector. Continuous learning and improvement enable leaders to adapt and innovate, ensuring their organizations remain relevant and impactful. Case Study: A Transformative Partnership Returning to my experience with Preston Love Jr., our partnership exemplifies these principles in action. Despite initial resistance, our collaboration led to the development of a robust succession plan and significant growth for his nonprofit. This journey highlighted the importance of mission-driven leadership, strategic planning, and the power of building strong, supportive relationships. also reinforced the value of humility in leadership. By allowing others to lead and prioritizing the mission over personal ego, we achieved outcomes that benefited the community and advanced the nonprofit's goals. Working with Preston Conclusion In conclusion, establishing and growing a successful nonprofit

requires a strategic, thoughtful approach. From developing a clear mission and vision to ensuring compliance and fostering growth, each step is critical. As a nonprofit consultant, I aim to provide the tools, resources, and support needed to navigate this journey effectively. By empowering leaders to build strong, sustainable organizations, we can create a positive impact on communities and causes around the world. For more information on nonprofit consulting services and to discuss how I can assist your organization, please visit: Dr. Vince Lindenmeyer, Colonel, US Army (Retired), is a dedicated nonprofit consultant specializing in helping organizations achieve their mission and goals. With a focus on veterans, women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities, Vince provides comprehensive support from startup to growth. Contact Vince at

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“It ’ s a common misconception that money is every entrepreneur ’ s metric for success. It ’ s not, and nor should it be.” — Richard Branson

| The Bellwether |




From auto mechanic to mayor to who’s who in America. How is this possible and why: Mayor Robert K. Nelson was recognized as Marquis “Who’s Who in America in 2024. Robert comes from humble means in the state of New Jersey but managed to elevate himself over many years to become the Mayor of the City of Bay City, Texas. Robert was raised by a single mother (from the time he was 13 years old) along with six siblings. His mother has always been his inspiration. Marion was born in 1916, did well in school and was active in sports. She was one of a few women of color who managed to break the color barrier in her life and career. His mother taught him about having good moral values and principles. She always managed to pay her tithing and we always had a roof over our heads and food to eat. We had what we needed. Robert eventually became the oldest sibling at home and helped his mother with his younger siblings. Robert started work at 9 years old cleaning offices with his stepfather at the time. At 12 years old he started delivering newspapers. He realized then the value of money and how to monetize a dire situation. He took on two additional paper routes, hired two of his friends and had them do the other routes. He was making money from others’ efforts, while at the same time providing employment for his friends. Robert applied for and received his first loan at the age of 13 with the co-signature of his brother. He learned a valuable lesson about interest, borrowing money and making payments on time. The borrower becomes the slave to the lender. However, I did not learn the difference between wants and needs. I fell victim to believing my wants were not my needs. I spent more than I made and saved. Having a sound financial understanding is a very important key to success.

Robert loved cars and pursued a career in auto mechanics. He didn’t see the need for a college education at that time. Robert also had an entrepreneurial spirit. He would work on cars outside of his full- time mechanic’s job, helping others, giving back to his community, and garnering valuable lessons. Although Robert didn’t realize it at the time, he enjoyed working with his hands, not just being an auto mechanic, and began a small contracting business, remodeling house interiors, i.e., kitchens and basements, etc. He realized then that he needed additional education in business. He eventually started taking classes through a tuition reimbursement program at his job. It took him a total of 19 years to complete his bachelor's degree program. In the interim he started other business ventures. After one such failed venture, he packed up and moved his family, which consisted of a wife and two children and a very large debt and moved to Texas. Once in Texas Robert began to rebuild his life. After many jobs, bankruptcy, divorce and living on unemployment and food stamps he ventured into real estate. The first venture ended disastrously. He started taking real estate courses and spent thousands of dollars and hours to learn all he could about the many facets of real estate. He used credit cards and debt to finance his education and purchase properties. All this while he worked a full-time job, remarried, and started another family. The investments paid off. Robert bought, sold, and owned several single and multi- family homes until a heart attack set him back several years. Robert regained his health and ventured back into real estate. This time, smarter, stronger, and wiser. After retirement Robert went back to school to learn about finances and how to be a financier. That’s when the light bulb came on, he realized all his mistakes and

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