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Watch Irina’s full interview on the Entrepreneurs Forum Speaker Series:
Interview by Lisa E. Kirkwood is The True Stories Merchant, connecting and transforming people through storytelling. A speaker, author, and consultant, Ms. Kirkwood is a master storyteller, and two- times award-winner for Diversity in corporate America. She focuses on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as Leadership, Development, and Empowerment. website:
Tanya Brockett, MBA, is an award-winning publishing expert, producer, and strategist who skillfully guides authorpreneurs from baffled to bestseller and obscurity to influence in books and films. Tanya has coached hundreds of authors and entrepreneurs, trained thousands in publishing and business, and reviewed/written millions of pages of prose. Tanya teaches new bestsellers through The Bestseller Worthy Formula Course. Tap into Tanya’s expertise at, on LinkedIn , or at
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