The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

In Summary

thing or worrying about what happened?

resilience, embodying being a peaceful leader amid the chaos. You’ll learn how to harness the power of being present in the now, trust yourself to navigate through uncertainty and experience being peaceful amid chaos.

Don’t be like the boiling frog during uncertainty, where, slowly over time, you find yourself still constantly working, having no time to think about nourishing your soul. Working on top of a busy, distracted, exhausted soul now only deepens that habit post-crisis.

What does being present feel like for you? What would you be doing or not doing? What body sensations or feelings come to mind? What if you put your own nourishment first on your to-do list? Then had a trusted advisor or colleague who can hold you accountable to making sure nourishing your soul is number one?





published in

Crisis As Opportunity

There’s an opportunity when a crisis hits, whether it’s a global pandemic, losing your staff, the loss of a loved one or getting diagnosed with a disease. It wakes you up to what matters in life. It forces you to reach within and face your inner turmoil. Crisis is the perfect opportunity for transformative growth — to test yourself, face your fears and experience being calm in the storms around you. Crisis is the time to practice peace whether through morning rituals, moving meditations or mastering your mood. Until you go beyond knowing crisis is an opportunity as an intellectual concept to experiencing or feeling crisis as the one and only opportunity for transformative growth, no amount of meditation or doing more actions will make the difference.

The number one skill you need to master is managing your energy from the inside out to find peace amid chaos. It’s during a crisis that you can develop the courage to face the layers of emotions, previously ignored, now bubbling up. By learning to navigate your inner world effectively, you’ll strengthen your innate power of

Anna Choi, Founder and CEO of SolJoy, Forbes Author, and TEDx Speaker, serves high achieving, creative, conscious

business leaders who want to quiet the mind chatter, cut through distractions, and tap into boundless energy to create leaders with more health, happiness, and peace. Learn more at

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