The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

Healing Is Messy

We have a lifetime to not undo, but understand and embrace.

There is no time machine, we cannot go back to make different choices; or not put ourselves into those dangerous situations, or get into relationships with damaging people, or believe lies that we are told.

What is in our control?

We can look back with compassion.

We can hold space for ourselves. We can go back in time in our mind, find our truth and change the narrative.

We can replace old thought patterns with new ones, and habits that hold us back to one’s that move us forward.

We can choose to intentionally look around us and see who and what is holding us back from living the life we know we are meant for; and then make the hard decision to thank them for walking with us for a while, and move forward.

When we walk away from environments that no longer serve us, we make room for what is to come.

When we go back to the root of old thought patterns and remember who we are, telling ourselves our truths, we make room for growth, confidence and self love.

When we can love the us that got us this far, doing everything they could to survive, we can face the future with our shoulders back, head held high, ready for what comes next.

When we can use our past as a tool belt and road map, we become authentic and intentional in our daily choices and open to what life has to offer.

When we remember that our life journey involves falling, getting dirty, and getting back up again … time and time again ... we have patience and kindness, not only for ourselves, but others who are doing the same.

Healing is messy, and I love it.


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