The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

How would you like to be given a blueprint to live your dream life?

your entire tribe will rise up together… Imagine working hard for less than 10 years and building a network of people supporting each other and all the sudden you have a rolodex worth billions of dollars… people leading the way in a career category you want to be a part of. People who were nobodies when you met, but today are millionaires and moguls leading the path to the future.

achieve their dreams. And then, I went on to explain the better they performed working for ListenTrust the sooner they could quit and pursue their own dream. This led to 100’s of people quitting and going after their own dream. However, it also reduced turnover, improved performance, and created a happier work environment with the people more dedicated than ever to executing in their job. We turned this random training into a part of what we do, and we built an internal program called DreamTrust that works to train people on happiness and going after their dreams. At some point many of the people I was helping suggested that I should quit and go after my own dreams as well. So, after a few months of thought and preparation I decided to retire and go after my dreams. That pursuit has turned out very fruitful, resulting in new relationships, new businesses, and living a life with more passion than ever before. What is my dream? I’m semi-retired from the call center and have become a songwriter. Music Music Music… that’s all that I’ve ever wanted to do. I put a plan in motion using all the tools and all the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years to become someone that matters in that

What if you could discover how, no matter where you are in your life, you can start today and build the life you dreamt about when you were a kid, and the process isn’t really as much of a mystery as you think it is? This is a story about a kid, who was bullied for years. Over time he learned how to shape his trauma and bring it full circle from needing to feel loved and doing everything in his power to prove his worth and value, to understanding that the best way to receive love is actually loving yourself, loving others and supporting them to accomplish their goals. A dream takes only one person to believe in it… that one person is you. And any dream you have can come true.

The path to this wisdom didn’t come easy.

My journey has been so weird and awesome that you really can’t put it all into one article. There have been a lot of ups and downs but I’ve learned every day and overall really feel fortunate to have gotten to where I am. I own a few businesses , including a call center called ListenTrust, that all do pretty well, and in the pursuit of wanting to always provide the best to the clients we serve, I was personally trying to stay in touch with one of my businesses by running one of our new hire training classes. I started talking to this group of employees about the things they wanted to do and simply started coaching them on different entrepreneurial strategies to

It really is that simple. Love and support others no matter what their dream is.

There have been many studies that talk about 10,000 hours of practicing your craft. I believe if you practice your craft while supporting others in your tribe… that as your tribe approaches 10,000 hours some of them are going to break out. Once they do, the people they will trust the most are the ones that believed in them from the beginning. The secret to success is for you to go through the fire and give your all to get your own 10,000 hours, but more importantly find other people who have a synergistic dream and then believe in them. Support them as if their dream has already become reality. That’s the secret sauce in life… no matter what your current situation is, all you need to do is work hard and support others in the field that you want to be in and as you show others that you believe in them,

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