The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

Money With Morals

Challenge Question: How can you acknowledge and address a potential organizational red flag in a positive way?

We can’t always see the red flags for ourselves, and often we need an outside perspective. That’s why I help nonprofits and grant writing students identify potential red flags in their organization and their work. clearly defined action steps. Show we’re aware and working on it.

We pinpoint problems, identify solutions, and develop an effective way to present the situation to funders. That way, instead of cringing and hoping no one will notice, we can wave our red flags and use them for good.

Listen to This Article Here

To learn how we can all better support nonprofits in building their ROI Framework, watch and share my TEDx talk, The Real ROI of Grant Writing .

Bio: Teresa Huff, Grant Writing Simplified

Teresa Huff is host of the Grant Writing Simplified Podcast, TEDx speaker, and the go-to expert in nonprofit strategy. She’s helped nonprofits triple their funding and maximize their impact. After winning over $7 million for schools and nonprofits, she now teaches nonprofits the strategies they need to develop millions in sustainable funding. Her podcast has been downloaded in over 100 countries across 6 continents. Thousands of students worldwide have completed her online grant writing programs. Teresa uses her Master’s in Education and over 20 years of experience in writing, special education, and business to help nonprofit leaders take their skills to the next level. She mentors grant writers through her interactive Fast Track to Grant Writer VIP Program, available for university level credit. Learn more and listen to the Grant Writing Simplified Podcast at Click Here For Previous Articles From Teresa

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