The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

domestic to Veterans. We also help them find the right path to transition to not just go work in another government job which is what people often push Vets to do. violence, and We have seen some great successes. One of our women Kelly who did the picture above "The Transition", we helped her focus her art skills and helped her turn it into a thriving business. Another woman, we helped her focus on what education she needed to get her to the job she wanted. Another woman is a partner in a winery. All things they would have never thought about if we hadn't explored their skills, wants, passions and needs. Essentially, we take them out of the box that everyone put them in and give them options they never thought they had.

breakdown and it took that happening for me to take a deep look inside at who and what I wanted to be. Was I an athlete, was I a big CEO? I wasn’t sure who I was or what I really wanted to be and if you stripped me of my titles then who was I? Not long after I was having this internal turmoil, I received some very terrible news. A very talented and beautiful friend of mine committed suicide. That made me realize we need to be open, honest, and transparent

about all this and not suffer alone and so I felt the book is one way I can give back to women. It’s an honest account of my struggles that I frankly didn’t want anyone to know. I talk about my challenges with depression, losing my mother, body issues, and being a recovering perfectionist. I think the most important lesson any woman can learn is, if you don't love you for who you are, you are going to struggle with success because you’re going after the wrong success.

What is your book Authentically You all about?

You know, I have spent a good 20 years writing and researching and publishing on the academic side so this book was a very personal, raw account of my journey with the hopes that I could help others with their journey and skip the tough paths I had to go through. For so long I wanted to be “perfect” Julie. I had body issues because I wanted my body to be perfect, I wanted my house perfectly clean, my children picture perfect, my career perfect and I must tell you it was exhausting and not who I was. But I was lost in the idea of what the world expected me to look and behave like. I took this so extreme I pretty much had almost a mental

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