The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

Sure, money was part of my motivation, but I started my business because it was in an industry that I loved and was passionate about. I had the freedom to run things how I wanted and enjoyed the lifestyle that I was able to maintain while doing so. Still, I took offense to his crass comment, after all I had worked hard to get to where I was at this point in my journey. Instead of allowing it to get to me, I channeled my inner motorcycle racer. I took this as a challenge and set out to prove that person wrong. Looking back on it now, I’m thankful that encounter happened as it lit a fire under my butt that burns to this day. I had a mixed amount of failure and success as I pointed my “hobby” directly at that MotoGP VIP suite, and while it may have been spite that gave me the push, it has been passion that has kept me going. Being passionate is what drove me to keep going through the rough patches, and trust me, there have been quite a few over the years. Fortunately for me, I live and breathe the market that I serve. I am a motorcycle racer, after all. As a racer, I was part of VNM Sport’s target demographic. I could relate to the needs of my customers, make product changes based on their feedback, and ultimately stay ahead of the industry as it evolved. While all of this did help grow the business and make some money, it did much more for me. I was able to surround myself with the type of people that I love and do the things that I love, which makes life so much sweeter. Owning a business in an industry you are passionate about encourages you to do greater things to support the community. In my case I have contributed to multiple charities and supported a number of up-and-

coming young racers to get to the top of their own potential.

It was passion that drove me to continue to succeed and gave me enough inspiration needed to get excited about what I was doing. It was passion that got me to the VIP suite at COTA with a prime view of my gear in action. It was a surreal feeling, for sure. I stopped to think about how far I had come from that initial day, that initial idea, and those unrealistic dreams and goals that eventually became the reality that I was living. The reality that continues to evolve and expand on an international level. Reflecting back I feel a sense of pride to have been able to create a lifestyle for myself that I absolutely love, driven by passion and continued inspiration, and fueled by determination. A hobby, as it were. And I would not want to have it any other way!

Photo Credit: GotBlueMilk Photography

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