The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

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Temple Grandin

Visual Thinking is considered to be a landmark book that reveals, celebrates, and advocates for the special minds and contributions of visual thinkers. Although visual thinkers make up a far greater proportion of the population than previously believed, we live in a language-dominated world that tends to sideline visual thinkers, screen them out at school and pass them over in the workplace. In her new best-selling book, Dr. Grandin explores cutting-edge research to take us inside the world of visual thinking, reframing the conversation on neuro-diversity and showing how necessary different types of thinkers are essential for our collective well-being.

For more information, visit Amazon; Visual Thinking More Books from Temple Click Here

Debra Wallace is a multi-award-winning journalist, editor, content provider, and publicist with 20+ years of experience. She is a regular contributor to, Orlando Family, Delaware Today, Suburban Philadelphia Life, and several other print and digital publications. Reach Debra at LinkedIn, Website, Facebook, or email her at

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