A Players Only
Thank you for joining us, it’s been a wild ride. If you missed the previous articles, be sure to check them out here: #1, #2, #3. This series has focused on the fundamental concept that you need to grow alongside your business. We’ve covered where to start, how to delegate, and what to focus on. Now, let's talk about WHO—who you need to become, who you need to hire, and who you need to surround yourself with to give your company the best shot at success.
Physical Health: Take care of your body; it’s the only one you get. Exercise, hydrate, rest, and maintain it, so it can power that big beautiful brain of yours. Manage Your Mindset: It’s easy to get caught up in the challenges, but taking time to gain perspective and acknowledge your wins allows your brain to ‘file the evidence’ of success which is essential for building momentum to do more hard things. Do More of The Shit that Lights You Up: Inspiration strikes when the plethora of information you’ve ingested coalesces into something brilliant. Step away and engage in activities you enjoy and let your mind wander. Get Support: Seek help at work and home. Learn to ask for and accept assistance. it’s therapy, coaching, meditation, or spending time in nature… find your zen, you’ll be a better boss and make better decisions.
Pay more, hire less. Invest in the right people and retain them—this is the secret sauce. The wrong people or high turnover can drain your company's time, money, and sanity. Every player counts, especially when your team is small. Data shows that proximity to low performers drags down performance by up to 30%, while proximity to high performers boosts it by 15%. Worried about costs? Get creative. There are many ways to access top talent, from fractional C-suites to flexible work arrangements, outsourcing, and offshoring. The right people with the right team structure will take you much farther than a larger group of mediocre, unmanaged employees. And remember, don’t let your ego creep back in—you don’t want to be the smartest person in the room.
Ready to break it down? Let’s go…
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
You are the captain that everyone in your company looks to and takes cues from. Teams are like children; they watch and heed what you do more than what you say. So, you need to be the best and most authentic version of yourself possible and set an intentional example. You owe it to your team to be an emotionally regulated and healthy adult. Prioritizing yourself lays the groundwork for others to follow, building a sustainable organization that doesn’t run on martyrdom, burnout and stress. There’s a myriad of components to this and only you can determine the exact recipe. Here’s a quick set of categories to get you started: Emotional Health: Increase self- awareness, get your head straight, and learn to emotionally regulate. Whether
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