The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

he loved, but the door of possibilities opened. A new world emerged. He chose the red pill. This journey has led Jon to a twenty- year career in consulting and coaching encompassing work with thousands of individuals and companies in countries around the world including, Global Icons, Influential Leaders, CEOs, Executives, Professional Athletes, and Navy Seals. He pioneered the discovery of what he now calls “Conscious Human Performance™,” a peak performance method developed over the last decade based on conscious evolution and human performance that helps us understand and awaken human potential. When asked if Jon’s the real deal, Mike V., a Navy Seal, Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), commonly known as DEVGRU (DEVelopment GRoUp) or SEAL Team Six started after a

coaching session. “As far as the value of our time together, it was an 8-9... It's hard to get a 10 out of someone like me.” Jon now works with game-changing companies to create global impact and a thriving society, helping them to gain access to the most elite talent on the planet. Over the next decade, Jon’s mission is to bring together global leaders, CEOs, and venture capital firms to revolutionize the education systems. It’s too big of a vision to do all at once, so he is starting by developing the most elite human performance and educational programs on the planet. Does the thought of writing your own obituary before jumping out of a plane scare or intrigue you? The truth is, it's one of the most powerful things you can do. To be continued... Jon Christian Jervert is a human performance improvement strategist based out of New Jersey. To connect with Jon visit -

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