The Bellwether, April 1, 2023

Event based - Processes that follow a certain event month for example Once we have these processes identified, we figure out how we can systematize them. First, can we automate them? We want to eliminate rework and human error. This is where software comes in. Second, if we can’t automate the process, can we outsource it? As business owners, we get caught in the trap of “The Do Everything Person”. By trying to do everything, we give up time needed to work on our business instead of working in

our business.

we eliminate areas which cause the multiplication by zero effect. To demonstrate this, suppose we have an eCommerce business selling shoes. Suppose we have demand for our shoes, but our eCommerce system doesn’t accept credit cards. We’ve found a multiplication by zero area to fix our system. Despite the product quality and demand, if we can’t take payments, our system grinds to a halt. The lesson here… remove bottlenecks. So the next time you work on your business, think about building and optimizing systems. Your business and your profits will thank you for it.

Because once you automate or delegate all tasks that you can, you can start optimizing your business by optimizing your systems.

Step 2 - Optimize the System

Pop Quiz : Without a calculator, figure out 65,789,123 x 47 x 0? If you paid attention, the answer is zero. Because any number or numbers multiplied by zero always equals zero. I showed you this problem to help you master step 2 in your system building… optimization. To do this,

- Don Sevcik: President of MathCelebrity

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