The Bellwether, May1, 2024

7 REAL ESTATE ROADMAP Insights into all things real estate. It covers topics such as tips for buyers and sellers, real estate trends, investment strategies and financing options.

MONEY WITH MORALS 37 Covers financial topics like revenue generation, tax strategies, wealth creation and investment opportunities including philanthropy. Part 2 of Unleashing Leadership.

FOODIE FORUM 11 Focuses on health and wellness, including yoga, meditation, exercise, eating, mental and physical health and more. Overcoming emotional eating.



Provides education on the latest technology trends and products, including AI, social media, SEO, and new tech products.



WHATS THE WORD 48 Educational nuggets and value-adds that may be appealing to entrepreneurs and business people.

Thoughts and words for the month that provide inspiration and enlightenment.



AUTHOR ADVANTAGE 58 Highlights reading materials that may be of interest, including books by successful business leaders and authors. Our favorite reads and special launches.

Thoughts and words for the month that provide inspiration and enlightenment.



NOT FORGOTTEN 68 Remembering the past exemplars of the Bellwether tradition. Thought leaders, trendsetters and those thought ahead of their time.

Focuses on luxury lifestyle items and experiences that entrepreneurs and business people enjoy or incorporate into their lives.

27 FEATURED FORUM Harmony in Action: The Journey of Mario Lanzarotti. Embracing what it means to be a Zenpreneur

EVENTS CALENDAR 72 All relevant events coming up presented by contributors to this issue.

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