The Bellwether, May1, 2024

What does it mean to be? Being refers to your unique identity and existence. It's about understanding and embracing who you are at your core. What does it mean to do? Doing involves taking action and following the steps necessary to achieve your goals. It's the execution of your intentions. Put the two words together. This is the need to take action in line with your true self. You must act in ways that support and align with your authentic identity. The key component to be and do is embracing the true self. How do you embrace your true self? Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and values. Explore your beliefs, desires, and what brings you joy and fulfillment. Self-reflection is the first step in understanding who you really are. 1. Acceptance: Embrace all aspects of yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses, past, and imperfections. Self- acceptance is key to acknowledging your true self. 2. Ownership: Own your thoughts, words, and actions. Being true to your values and beliefs rather than conforming to others' expectations. You are responsible for managing yourself. 3. Set Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries in your relationships and commitments. Boundaries help protect your sense of self to prevent compromising your values. 4. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding offered to a good friend or loved one. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and failures. 5. Explore Your Passions: Engage in activities and pursuits that genuinely interest you. Doing what you love connects you with your true self and brings joy and fulfillment. 6. Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Spend time with people who accept and support you for who you are. 7. Let Go of Expectations: Release societal, family, or self- imposed expectations that do not align with your authentic self. It's important to live in a way that feels true to you, not just what others expect of you. 8. Remember that embracing your true self is a unique and ongoing journey. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you

make along the way. It's about living a life that is genuine and true to who you are rather than who others expect you to be. Embracing your true self will be impacted by resistance. Resistance is the level of opposition and struggle. It will cause doubt, fear, reluctance, and hesitation. You determine your response based on the path selected. There are two choices on paths for resistance—easy or stretch. What is the path of easy resistance? It is the most enticing but not the best choice. It requires the least amount of effort, time, and commitment. Often, it is chosen due to fear or laziness. The rewards of this path are short-term with immediate gratification, which can lead to complacency and regrets in the long run. What is the path of stretching? It is the uncomfortable and impactful route. This path is where growth and learning are realized. It dictates uncovering the true self and utilizing latent potential. You have within you what is needed to be and do. It requires embracing your true self. Muhammad Ali said, “I am the greatest.” He did not settle for what life wanted him to be and do. Settling would have prevented Ali from becoming the greatest heavyweight champion of the world. Muhammad Ali’s determination and refusal to settle exemplifies someone who became great by being true to himself and taking the more challenging path. You have the choice to be and do by overcoming resistance and staying true to your identity.

Haseena Shaheed-Jackson's purpose is simple: to help others see beyond the physical sight to see more with the spirit using hope and faith. Haseena is an author, coach, speaker, and trainer. She has published three books: Created to Soar , Messages from the Spirit , and Reflections from Within. Connect with Haseena at

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