The Bellwether, May1, 2024

Tanya Brockett, MBA, is an award-winning publishing expert, producer, and strategist who skillfully guides authorpreneurs from baffled to bestseller and obscurity to influence in books and films. Over two decades, Tanya has coached hundreds of authors and entrepreneurs, trained thousands in publishing and business, and reviewed/written millions of pages of prose. Tanya teaches new bestsellers through The Bestseller Worthy Formula Course. Tap into Tanya’s expertise at, on LinkedIn, or at

demonstrate their commitment to excellence and ongoing contribution to their field.

This and More

Today, more than ever, entrepreneurs face the challenge of being seen and heard. However, the authorship of a bestselling nonfiction book presents a unique opportunity to not only elevate visibility and credibility but also leave an enduring legacy. There are many more benefits to becoming a bestselling author that extend beyond rising out of obscurity—this is only the beginning. Can you imagine how you would feel if your bestselling books left an indelible imprint on our society, like Dr. Wayne Dyer? Just as he left a lasting legacy through his bestselling work, aspiring authors have the power to inspire and empower future generations with their own written words. I have the privilege of helping authors do that every day. So, when you're ready to embark on the journey to authorship success, consider the benefits that await you and reach out to me. “The world is waiting for your words.”

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